Sebastião Estiva - Acre Is Not a Lie (its Well And Alive) Lyrics

You may say... acre is a lie
Acre is not a lie
You may say... acre is a lie
Acre is well and alive

You can look it on the map or the internet
Acre is just waiting for the maaaaaassacreeeee....

(parte metal)

Well, if you think that acre is a lie
I'll tell you what is a lie
Then satan will come to you

And eat your head
Because you are lying
And i'll tell you ?!?!?!? gonna die
Then satan will come to you

Acre is not a lie
Acre is the true

Acre acre acre acre acre acre acre acre acre acre acre acre acre acre acre acre acre acre acre!!!

You can look it on the map or the internet
It's there, i swear i saw it
And a friend of a friend saw it too

Acre is not a lie
Acre is not a lie

Acre acre acre acre acre acre acre acre acre acre acre acre acre acre acre acre acre acre acre acre!!!

You may say... acre is a lie
Acre is not a lie
You may say... acre is a lie
Acre is well and alive...
This lyrics has been read 94 times.